There’s nothing more charming than a family of deer cautiously tiptoeing by. However, the moment becomes considerably less wonderful when a hungry mother deer decides to stop in and snack on your plants, or a buck realizes that your new tree is a perfect place to shed his antler velvet. Deer may also carry ticks and they cause thousands of vehicle accidents each year. These are several reasons why keeping deer away from your home is a good idea, but that can be easier said than done.

Physical Barriers

The most consistent, surefire way to keep deer away from your home is with physical barriers such as fences, hedges, and protective plant coverings.

When considering fence height, keep in mind that deer are natural jumpers; your fencing should be around  8’ tall in order to effectively keep them out. If the visual impact of fencing is a concern, consider using black propylene deer fencing. It’s affordable and blends seamlessly with forest environments.

In the case that fencing is not a possibility, you can protect trees and shrubs individually. Tree protectors can be purchased at a garden supply store or homemade using drainpipe. For shrubs and smaller plants, wire cages or sheets of burlap can help preserve them from hungry deer.

Scent Deterrents

There are several brandname anti-deer sprays available. Most contain ingredients like chili pepper, egg, and garlic that make eating your plants undesirable. Some brands will even include urine of a predator such as a coyote or fox. These scents are undetectable to humans, but a deal-breaker for deer.

You can also try this home remedy that uses Zest soap. Put a half bar of soap in a net bag and hang it from a branch near your plants. The deer will smell the soap, think that there are humans nearby and stay clear of the area.

The thing to remember about all types of scent deterrent is that rain, wind, and plant growth will wash away your solution over time. You’ll want to repeat these methods at least once per month for best results.

Scare Tactics

Deer are characteristically skittish and can be deterred by all sorts of sensory stimulants. One of the best assets for scaring deer is the family dog. Regardless of size or breed, having a dog around your yard will be extremely unappealing to deer.

Noise can be a great tool for frightening deer as well. Try hanging wind chimes or installing a bamboo (deer chaser) fountain.

Finally, motion activated lights can be an effective temporary solution, although deer will grow accustom to the light over time.

Plant choice

At the end of the day, the most affective way to prevent deer from eating your plants is to avoiding planting things that deers love to eat. Plants such as lettuces, peas, hostas, pansies, tulips, roses, and chrysanthemums are all favorites. Fruit trees can also attract deer to your yard.

Similarly, planting things that deer do not like to eat around your property is a good way to discourage them from stopping by. Cleome, fuzzy lamb’s ear, and barberries are all good choices because of their rough texture.

Try try again

When all is said and done, the thing to understand when going up against deer is that they’re persistent, and that in time, they’ll get used to any deterrent. With that in mind, you’ll want to alternate your tactics as often as necessary in order to keep deer out of your yard and away from your plants.

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